I started blogging to share my interest and experience to my friends and relatives near and far. With the digital age we have everybody is in the bandwagon on being online anytime and anywhere. Reaching out with the use of blogging is a great way to express oneself and also serves as an outlet.
For this year I have a few new blogs in mind that online readers might take interest from the list of The Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs for 2014 this year.
My top personal choices:
- Technorush – (www.technorush.com) – This is not only my blog but also a joint venture with my eldest son Jeremy who is also into tech and gadgets. Of course, tech and gadgets are best combined with great food and drinks on the side.
- The Dailypedia – http://thedailypedia.com/ – This is the site in when you are looking for updated news anything about showbiz and entertainment.
- Raket Hub – http://www.rakethub.com – from the word “raket” we into sideline you can think of. If you are looking something a sideline, you can check this out.
- Quite Simple Bits – www.quitesimplebits.com – providing information that is more practical than science-heavy (less about climate change, more on how to conserve energy).
- MATAKAW NA BATA http://matakawnabata.com/ – everything about food
- Pinoy Blog watch – http://www.pinoyblogwatch.com/ – get about news of current event and political views
- CEnterTechNews – www.centertechnews.com – lifestyle news you need to see
- Primavera Residences Blog – http://www.primaveraresidences.com/blog/ – getting the CDO updates and news
- Nutri Facts in the Packs – http://whatsinthepacks.blogspot.com/– need to know about what you eat
- Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW): The Game of Life – http://ofw-the-game-of-life.blogspot.com/– this blog talks about OFW life abroad
Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs 2014 Writing Project will not be possible without the sponsors:
- Digital Influencers Marketing Summit
- Certified Blog and Social Media Entrepreneur Program
- Philippine Internet History phnet20 Project
- Digital Creators Boot Camp
- Infinity Hub Web Development Services
Join now and create impact in the Blogging Community and promote it in your social networks using the hashtag #emergingblogs2014.